La misión de ODINCARSA-LA es:

La misión de ODINCARSA-LA es: Fortalecer la capacidad de gestión de los datos sobre los océanos y la información marina en el Caribe y América Latina, con el fin de contribuir a las ciencias del océano, la oceanografía operacional y las actividades de gestión integrada de las costas a nivel regional. Durante la última reunión de planificación de ODINCARSA-LA se estableció un plan de trabajo para el bienio 2010/11 que incluyó • El mejoramiento de la capacidad de acceso a datos en tiempo real o en tiempo casi real y su utilización para generar productos y prestar servicios Actualmente existe una gran variedad de datos y productos disponibles en modo operacional. El objetivo consiste en proporcionar a los administradores de datos un conocimiento actualizado de la existencia de datos en tiempo real o casi real, su accesibilidad, formato e instrumentos de elaboración y análisis, con el fin de mejorar las capacidades locales para generar productos y prestar servicios que respondan a los requisitos y necesidades de las respectivas comunidades de usuarios (gestión de riesgos, investigación, educación, responsables de decisiones, etc.). Una de las acciones tendientes a responder a esta situación es la creación este blogspot donde encontraran los links a sitios de interés, acceso a datos e información de utilidad, sirviendo a la vez como mecanismo para reforzar los vínculos tanto entre los integrantes de ODINCARSA-LA como con la comunidad en general. Confiamos en que esta iniciativa será tanto de interés como de utilidad para todos y esperamos sus contribuciones y comentarios

viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

Propuesta de curso de capacitación P. Geerders

P. Geerders Consultancy
Kobaltpad 16 – 3402 JL IJsselstein – The Netherlands
Tel/fax: +31-30-6884942 –


Informed Decision Making is necessary to take an edge in the competitive arena. Decision makers and senior managers require well-organized data and information: up-to-date, complete and reliable. An adequate provision of information increases the efficiency of the organization: less time and resources are required to achieve better results, something of particular importance in these times of recession.

In order to realize this goal, it is necessary to have a detailed insight in the processes of the organization and their data and information requirements, and strictly organize the organization’s data and information accordingly.

PGC from the Netherlands is proud to present its international Advanced Training Course on Information Management for Organizations.....continuación

The themes to be presented in this course include: the role of information supporting the processes of the organization, chains of information, conversion of analogue information in digital information, storage and availability, importance of metadata, documentary information and geo-information, integration of information from different sources, quality of information, national and international standards, access and security, protection of the information, digital archives and their long term management, and the use of the Internet.

Course programme

Day 1. Information, the blood of the organization.

This day will review the role of information, as an essential asset supporting the processes of the organization or company. Various ways to analyse and present the internal processes will be reviewed, including information flows and chains of information processing units. Further keywords: Front Office, Mid Office, Back Office, Enterprise Content Management.

Day 2. Analogue information and digital information, digitization.

This day will focus on the conversion of analogue information to digital information, and the various elements of this process. Advantages and disadvantages of digital archives; storage and availability of digital and analogue information, vulnerability, fully digital office.

Day 3. Searching and finding: the role of metadata, searching on the Internet.

The main objective of information management: searching and finding of information. Various models for searching: keywords, metadata, full text. Also the use of the Internet and several Internet tools for searching will be discussed.

Day 4. Geo-referenced information, integration with traditional documentary information.

In view of the impacts of climate change and changes in the biosphere, planning and decision making need more and more information on the environment and biodiversity: geo referenced information. The characteristics of this type of information will be explained, and the integration with traditional documentary information will be discussed. In this context attention will also be given to integration of information from different sources.

Day 5. Aspects of protection and quality of information.

This day will focus on the quality of information and the impacts on quality by the various processing and management steps. Attention will be given to recommended standards for management of information quality, to access and security, selective protection of information, and to the long term management of digital archives.

By the end of the course, the participants will have obtained a solid basis to develop, propose and implement improvements to the information management of their own organisation, supporting the decision making processes of their organization.

The course is presented as an interactive combination of presentations and practical exercises for the students, with ample time for discussions. The course is based upon course material freely provided by SOD, the Netherlands.

SOD is a Dutch acronym which stands for: Foundation for Training on Document Management. SOD is a certified organisation and since 1976 it offers a wide range of training courses on subjects related to information management, to participants from Dutch government agencies, from Ministries to local government, companies and other organizations. It has its main headquarters in Woerden, the Netherlands, as well as several training centres across the country.

Course Fees
The fee for the complete training programme amounts to only € 1000,- per participant (minimum 10 participants), including training fee, course materials (CD-ROM), and lunch / coffee / tea at the training venue.

The course is specifically aimed at functionaries of public and private entities responsible for the management and provision of internal and external information. The maximum number of participants is 25.

About Us Dr. Paul Geerders of P. Geerders Consultancy (PGC), the Netherlands, has a background in computer sciences and informatics from his graduation at Technical University Delft, the Netherlands in 1970. In his subsequent career, he remained closely linked with the management of information: both administrative information and scientific information. He was and is involved in several major projects related to information systems. He presented several successful courses on this and related themes in the Netherlands and in other countries around the world, and is a freelance teacher with SOD, the Netherlands.

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